
In order to guarantee all-time availability, t-shirts and products sold on our website are produced as „Print-On-Demand“ goods. To produce our products, we work with Spreadshirt (for products sold on our website https://deadpuckhockey.com), Printful (for products sold via our Etsy Store), TeeSpring (for our TEeSpring Store) and RedBubble (for our RedBubble Store).

Delivery Times and Delivery Costs

Delivery costs depend on the order value. Discounts will not be considered for the calculation of the delivery costs.

As we ship worldwide, delivery costs and delivery times will vary from one country to another. Please see the following pages for detailed information about your specific country:

Delivery times and delivery costs by country (North America)
Delivery times and delivery costs by country (EU / Worldwide)

As our products are produced once you place the order, delivery times are at least 3 days.

Please note that these delivery times and costs only apply to orders placed through our website https://deadpuckhockey.com and our partner Spreadshirt. For order placed on our Etsy, TeeSpring and Redbubble Shops, other conditions apply.

Exchanges & Returns

As all our products are produced by hand on-demand, we can unfortunately not simply put back returns on our warehouse shelves, as resells are not possible.

However, our goal is 100% client satisfaction, and as such we offer you a 30-day return guarantee, under the following conditions:

  • Exchange for a new product
  • Exchange for a voucher

For detailed information about return conditions and how to return your product, please see this dedicated page.

Returns costs for orders above 40 € will be covered by Spreadshirt.

Important: Please use the “Returns” link in your order confirmation or contact our service team at service@spreadshirt.de before sending back your products, as we cannot process returns sent to us by your own accord.

Please note that these conditions only apply to orders placed through our website https://deadpuckhockey.com and our partner Spreadshirt. For order placed on our Etsy, TeeSpring and Redbubble Shops, other conditions apply.